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The members of the Board of Directors of National OPRC wanted to reach out and personally let you know we are happy you are a member of the Old People's Riding Club! This should explain a little bit about how our National OPRC is structured and how we serve you. The National OPRC (NOPRC) is the parent organization and is structured to give the chapters guidance, mentoring, and access to shared resources a small group alone would find difficult to obtain. A good example is Chapter Liability Insurance. Being a part of a national organization allows us to obtain better group rates while all of the chapters share the discounted cost. NOPRC serves as the single point of contact and manages the program for your chapter.

Our mission is to serve you, the members. Each of the NOPRC Board of Directors is a regular member of various chapters across the country. We each volunteer our time without compensation. In fact, most of us buy our own supplies and most times pay for our own travel expenses. If you would like to volunteer at the national level, please let us know. We can always use more help! We do perform background checks on our volunteers to protect your information and your funds. Yes, I did say "your funds" as the NOPRC monies belong to our chapters. Anytime you want to see the financials, please let us know and we will gladly share them with you.

Speaking of money… OPRC is registered with the IRS as a Social Club (Section 501c7) which means we are not eligible for charitable donation tax breaks. As a Social Club, our monies must be used for the benefit of the membership - in this case, our Chapters. NOPRC offers several ways that your chapter can receive benefits via our various programs. Some fun programs are our Rally, and the Scavenger Hunt. A Chapter can also request funding for special local programs through the Education Award. We even offer a Ratings Award allowing any chapter to earn a few dollars for allowing members to rate up. All chapters, equally, have the ability to participate in these programs and to apply for monetary awards. Likewise, the chapter who receives an award must use the funds in a way that their members have an equal opportunity to enjoy. For instance, you can host a party or hold a clinic - whatever you desire - as long as all chapter members have the opportunity to participate in how the money is spent. You get the picture. If you have an idea, we would love to hear from you!

Not only does NOPRC provide group Liability Insurance for your chapter's member events, we also have a program that provides special coverage for chapter events that include participation by non-members. The current policy is to provide up to three "Open" or "Public" event insurance coverages per chapter per year at no charge to the chapter. If a chapter holds more than three of these special events per year, they have the ability to purchase the event insurance at a low rate that most likely could not be found on the open market.

We have also leveraged a partnership with Association Resource Group to bring you discounts and benefits at retail and other establishments, as well as offering a really great deal on Excess Personal Liability Insurance for you. Where else can you get $1M of liability coverage for just $19 per year?

We work hard to build the OPRC member family to provide members with more opportunities to engage with other equestrians across the country.We build camaraderie with our bi-annual Rally which allows Chapters across the country to compete against each other in Dressage, Jumping and other events. We aid in communication by providing tools such as the OPRC Member Forum on Facebook. The OPRC Forum, like our NOPRC team, has an admin team that is all volunteer. We welcome you to fully participate and we hope you will take advantage of our programs this year!

Enjoy your ride!

NOPRC Board of Directors

Copyright © 2022-2032 Old People's Riding Club. "Old People's Riding Club" "OPRC" and the Old People's Riding Club Logo are trademarks of Old People's Riding Club. Send mail to Webmaster with questions or comments about this web site. "The Old Peoples Riding Club (OPRC) is a non-commercial entity and does not support commercial activities. Use of the OPRC name, the OPRC logo, and the solicitation of officers and members for any commercial purpose is strictly forbidden."

Current Release 10/18/2024